The Acne-Germ-Dual LED Light is the newest tool you can use to treat acne problems at home. It uses the tried-and-true, FDA-approved LED RED and BLUE lights. Acne-Derm: For mild to moderate acne, don't take antibiotics with a blue/red light.
The Acne-Germ-Dual LED Light is the newest tool you can use to treat acne problems at home. It brings the proven, FDA-approved LED RED and BLUE light acne treatment from the doctor's office to your own house at a fraction of the cost. You can get rid of acne in just a few minutes a day and prevent it from coming back. It is easy to use, doesn't involve drugs, and has been shown to work in studies.
Acne can also be treated with creams, peels, and medicines, among other things. However, the rapid rise in drug resistance has made it important to find effective treatments that don't involve antibiotics.
Blue- and red-light therapy can be used instead of drugs to treat mild to moderate acne. This has been proven by science. The power of BLUE and RED LED Lights together
The Acne Derm has two sets, one for Blue Light and one for Red Light.
BLUE Light does most of the work by quickly killing the germs that cause acne and helping to control the production of sebum, which can clog pores and lead to more breakouts. It does this by making the sebaceous glands less active. This means they make less sebum oil, which can clog the hair shafts and cause acne. It is also said to stop the disease BEFORE it starts to spread.
Blue (415nm wavelength) has more clinical studies, proof, and proven results than any other wavelength for treating acne with LED light therapy.
RED Light: Once the BLUE light kills the germs that cause acne, the RED light can fix the damage that acne does to the skin. Red light therapy lowers inflammation by a lot and helps to heal skin that has been damaged by acne. It makes your body make more collagen, which helps the mending process.
With blue and red LED lights that are both bright, Acne-Derm works quickly and effectively to clear acne, blemishes, and inflammation. The blue light also controls the oily sebum production to prevent future breakouts, while the red light reduces inflammation and stimulates collagen production, leaving your skin looking clear, healthy, and vibrant.
Effective treatment at home that only takes a few minutes a day. Acne-causing bacteria are killed, so acne is less likely to come back. You can see benefits in one to three sessions. It's safe and cheap. It combines red and blue light therapy in one device. The size makes it easy to target breakouts. USB rechargeable and easy to take with you.
Clinical tests show that acne treatments you can use at home can work just as well as those used in a doctor's office, though they are not as strong. But this also means that they can be used more often (every day if necessary). They are also easier to use because they are small, movable, and cheap. The economics are important. A normal treatment at a dermatologist's office costs between $50 and $100 per session, and patients are usually told to come in twice a week for several months. This makes the program expensive.
What a world leader in light treatment has to say:
Michael Hamblin, PhD, an associate professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School and a world leader in modern light treatment, says, "Consumers can now shine light on themselves at home instead of going to the doctor's office. The light is pretty much the same, there aren't many safety concerns, and it costs a lot less... And now that light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are cheap, heat-free, and safer, there are more do-it-yourself tools online for treating acne, depression, and pain.